
Navigating our clients' businesses to the future

SEPTENI provides integrated services and solutions that makes it possible to transform our client’s vast amount of data into their strength which ultimately drives their business growth.

Digital Marketing Leveraging Customer Data

Recently there has been a decrease in the amount of data that can be obtained through browsers and personal devices due a push for stronger privacy protection. This has raised concerns about lower ad performance for campaigns that leverage data-based operational models.
Under these new circumstances, it is critical to maintain and operate marketing efforts built from customer data platforms that ensure adequate privacy while using methods found in 1st party data sources in order to attain a full-funnel.
SEPTENI offers integrated support for all phases of digital marketing efforts related to data.
For example, we support constructing platforms leveraging data (setting up data platform, acquiring data, and integrating and forming IDs), as well as support phases leveraging data through SEPTENI proprietary data solutions (constructing integrated data dashboard, linking ad distribution partnerships that use machine learning, optimizing landing pages, and linking CRM partnerships).

Developing AI Solutions

Leveraging AI to analyze data is a critical puzzle piece in digital marketing given that there is just so much data involved. At SEPTENI we have developed a variety of AI solutions for our clients based on long-cultivated extensive libraries of advertising data and creative data. These solutions include forecasting effectiveness, analyzing factors, and automatic creation of ad creatives based on deep learning technologies, optimization of advertising budget allocation, and predicting advertising results. We are particularly focused on ad creatives and are advancing towards using, “Odd-AI”, a solution tool which were developed through private-academic partnerships with university research institutions. Our strength is in our capability to offer AI solutions for practical business needs.